Monday, May 24, 2010

Fish Head curry!


so, yesterday (Sunday) i went to go swimming again.

and there was the children's swimming gala!
Can't swim in the big pool and the practice pool had ALOT of obstructing people there =.=

And, i (guess) i found out his name!
Something Yahya i guess...

Oooh, and i added the Lee Chong Wei look-alike on FB! XDD Actually he's MALAY and form two and also stupid Kevin's best friend. =v=

Anyways, on Sunday went to eat the Kampung Pandan (LOL) Fish Head Curry again! :DDD
Really good, as always. I love the papadam!
But  the fish head this time had less meat....

< looked like this

I still enjoyed it! =)


P.S. I so wanna PS3 Slim with the Final Fantasy game!!! >A<

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Volume II

Hello, people who are currently reading now! =)

I've finished Volume I of 'I fell in love with a Demon' (changed title)
but I am feeling lazy to type here. =P

So I just started Volume II 
a few days ago. 
And i wrote until Chapter Four!


I'm thinking of making Volume II the end because all the books that I wrote,
i never really ended it properly.
i hope that Volume II's ending will come out good! 

There will be about thirteen chapters (not sure!)

So await it, people!

Thank you. =)

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Chapter One. Poisoned

Hey guys! I finally could take Chapter One to the blog! Enjoy =)

P.S. This vampire story is different to the one i wrote on the teaser.


His dagger hazel eyes striked into mine, warning me of the danger coming nearer and nearer to us
The ground shook really hard and it was illuminated by the sound of thunder. The sky was a dark, gloomy grey with the occasional white flash appearing. The breeze was cold, and it smelt like danger, meaning adrenaline plus a killer instinct.

My mind flashed back to Zell, where he laughed and joked happily with me. But it all disappeared now. I was facing the worst nightmare of my life, and I don't think that smile would ever come back again. Not when Zell suddenly turned into something unexpected.

'Heather, please, run!'

His eyes begged into mine again. I firmly shook my head.

'No way, Ivan. He's my best friend, and my brother. I can't.'

'Please! I don't you to be killed by... him.' Ivan said in this hurt tone. His eyes were filled with a tremendous worry, worry about me.

'I'm fine, Ivan! I won't go, no matter what you say.' I shoved his cool hand where he just slid into mine. I grasped my fists a little, I was feeling nervous. His eyes begged into mine one more time. '...I still won't go.'

Ivan sighed with a trace of devastation in it, meaning he gave up convincing me already. '...Just make sure you don't get killed, please. I don't want to lose you right now.'

'Got it.'

I gave a tight smile to him but he half-heartedly replied it.

'It's fine, okay. I'll try my best not to get killed.' I assured him.

'How would you know?'

'That's why I'll try my best, idiot.' My brows frowned a little.

Ivan let out a low, amused chuckle. Then his eyes suddenly changed to that shade of light grey. Zell was coming. A few more seconds, a few more steps. And he will be here.

My blood was rushing inside me, it was like shouting out to me to kill somebody.

Silence covered both of us for awhile, other than the rumbling thunder and breeze. Finally Ivan softly whispered softly, so soft that only I could hear it. 'I love you, okay. A lot. So don't die. Especially now.'

I nodded slightly, indicating that i heard him. I thought about the fear I could trace from his voice. I remembered him telling me once before that his greatest fear was losing me. I guess I'll make that my mental support for now.

A shadowy figure appeared over the nearby bushes and it was approaching us. Zell's face emerged from the shadow. it was covered with a splash of red blood. By the looks of it, it was fresh.

Ivan mumbled a counting into my ear. 'One... Two... Three!'

We both charged towards Zell.

'Sorry, Zell. I have to do this.' I whispered under my breath.

Everything happened really fast, almost as if a dream.

I remember my hand sliding sharply towards Zell's neck but the next moment his long, sharp nails stroked over my arm. My arm suddenly felt a throb of pain and my blood shivered for a moment. I ignored it. Sooner or later the wound will close, I told myself.

Ivan noticed my pain then while Zell was distracted with me, he quickly pulled the blade in his hand -which was always hidden in his pocket- across to Zell's neck. Zell glared at him so fiercely I could feel myself shiver a little. He was never like this.

'Take him down! Now!' Ivan's voice yelled in my brains.

I swiftly slid my hand over and aimed at Zell's stomach. The next thing I know, before I could even move toward Zell, his soft, happy voice talked. It was his normal voice. I quickly glanced over to his face. His mouth was holding a smile. The smile I hadn't seen for so long. The smile I thought was long gone.

'Heather,' he gently said,'I don't want to die now, you know!' He was pleading now, pleading for me not to kill him.

My body and brain hesitated for moment, but the next second my arm throbbed harder with lots and lots of pain. I felt myself falling down a little. Zell got me.

'NO!' Ivan growled. 'Heather! Your arm... it's turning black! You musn't...' His next words were lost from my ears. My whole body turned numb.

'...Don't you sleep now, Heather! Heather!' Ivan's voice called into my ear again. His voice was shaking.

I managed to smile -i think- then i mumbled with all my might 'I... Ivan.' My eyes opened halfway then closed again but i caught a glimpse of Ivan's expression. His eyes were filled with pain, sorrow, despair. Scared, even.

'You said... you'll try not to die! So don't!' his voice cried in my ears again.

'... Sorry...' I mouthed without any sound at all. Ivan's voice slowly disappeared again. I couldn't see his face anymore. I had no more chances.

I could slightly feel the touch of something cool on my hand. It felt quite cold and wet. Maybe that was Ivan? Was he crying? I couldn't imagine his face, crying. I would most probably tease him if I saw it.

I laughed at this thought and then fell asleep. Maybe for eternity. Would I wake up again?
